The 10 best presents to buy a Landlord for Christmas?
Stuck for gift ideas for the landlord or property developer in your life? We have added links to where you can buy these items from below so let us help!

This classic property trading board game has been around for over 100 years and offers just the right mix of chance and skill to be enjoyed by all ages. For budding and experienced property developers alike, it’s an opportunity to learn and apply real-life lessons in financial strategy to ensure you come out on top.

Telescopic ladder
Easy to store and transport and set up in seconds, an aluminum telescopic ladder is invaluable for inspections and repairs in hard-toreach places. Keep it in the car boot and you’re always ready to fix problems on the spot.

Rechargeable LED torch
Even if the property you are visiting has mains lighting, a torch is essential for looking into dark cupboards and corners. An LED rechargeable torch gives you super bright light and you’ll never need to remember to buy batteries!

Smart front door lock
No more fumbling around searching for keys when your smartphone can open the front door for you! Having a smart front door lock also allows you to send people a temporary E-key when you can’t be there in person. How useful is that?

Mini Drone
Imagine being able to inspect a roof, chimney or guttering without the need to climb a wobbly ladder or erect expensive scaffolding! A lightweight compact mini drone will do the job for you quickly and without fuss.

On-the-go coffee flask
A hot drink is always welcome when you’re out and about visiting properties. Save time on money on expensive take-aways by packing your own perfect brew in a handy-sized insulated flask.

Nobody would be without their smartphone, but what about those times when it’s just not possible or convenient to fish it out your pocket and check that text or take that call? A smartwatch lets you view and respond to all your messages hands-free so you can get on with your busy day.

Premium toolset
Keep all your tools neatly stored in one easy to carry heavy-duty box so you are never caught out without the right tool for the job.

Multi-utility key
The smallest and cheapest of our presents, but something no property owner should be without. This key allows you to open and access gas, water and electricity boxes without having to hunt about for the individual keys.

Crystal ball
And finally, just the thing for all of us who would like to know what the
property markets will do in 2021!